Woman Rescues Dog She Met on Meals on Wheels Route After Her Human Goes to Nursing Home

Woman Rescues Dog She Met on Meals on Wheels Route After Her Human Goes to Nursing Home

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I first met Bitsy while delivering Meals on Wheels. She was rescued from down south, transported to New Jersey to a shelter, where her mom saw her and adopted her. She had her designated as an emotional support dog because dogs weren't allowed in her complex. Her mom was older and ended up having to go into a nursing home. She had Bitsy for about four-and-a-half years, and they were going to send Bitsy back to the shelter, but I just couldn't let that happen. A 10-year-old Chihuahua, what were her chances at the shelter?

I asked my husband if we could foster her, he said no, but we did it anyway. But when I had a potential adopter a couple of weeks later, he said to let her stay. She was just getting used to us and calming down. She had some idiosyncrasies; she was a house dog and when I put her in the yard the first time, she just looked at me. She didn't know how to tell us when she had to go out. But she is just the easiest, sweetest dog you could ask for.

Bitsy's about 16 now and completely transformed. She hikes, she plays, she's super friendly, she loves to explore the yard. She loves to cuddle and bark at everyone who passes by.


Adopt a senior dog; she has so much life and love to give. I smile whenever I look at her and see her smiling while she sleeps. I'm so grateful I was able to give her this peaceful, happy life.

Story submitted by Diana Sutton from Leonardo, New Jersey.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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