Pet Rat and Pet Cat Like to Groom Each Other
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I went on a road trip for my 24th birthday and returned home to the news that my beloved cat Jersey had been hit by a car and killed while I was gone. I was inconsolable, and I was 100% sure I could never love another cat the way I loved my baby.

About a week later, my mom came into my bedroom and dropped a tiny helpless kitten onto my bed and said, "Look what I found." Our landlord's barn cat had given birth to a litter of kittens, and my mom had managed to catch this little guy before he could run and hide like the rest of them.
It turns out, he was only 5 weeks old and so little I couldn't help but fall in love. I named him Buster Kitten, and he immediately attached himself to me.

He sleeps on my pillow at night; most of the time, it is his pillow, not mine. He is best friends with my mom's cat, and he even adores my rats to the point that he lets one of them clean his ears. He even tongue bathes the littlest rat.
He is the sweetest, calmest, gentlest tomcat ever, and I wouldn't have him any other way! He got me through a terrible time in my life, and he's my baby boy. He's always there to greet me when I get home, and I love having him.

I am so glad my mom was fast enough to grab this boy and bring him to me when I needed him most.
Story submitted by an anonymous user from Portland, Oregon.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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