Newly-Adopted Family Cat Spends Years 'Biting' Her Human Sibling

Newly-Adopted Family Cat Spends Years 'Biting' Her Human Sibling

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

We rescued Cat. I was 8 years old at the time and none too good with names. My aunt had found her and her family living in one of her sheds. It was close to wintertime, and the mother cat had moved them to a drainage pipe off of the highway.

Hearing that I'd wanted a cat, she called my parents and we chose two, one being Cat, the other we'd called Shadow. Shortly after bringing them home, we sadly lost Shadow to my neighbor's escaped dogs, but Cat came out shaken but unharmed.


The first thing she did when I pet her for the first time - about a week after we brought her home - was bite me. It left a pretty decent scar that still hasn't faded, and she bit me every day after. Eventually we came to the understanding that if she didn't bite me, I left her be.

As the year rolled on, she had a litter of kittens that we adopted out, and she became the best of friends with my mom's 16 year old Lhasa, Misha. After he passed, she became the only house pet.

It wasn't until about three years later that she got over her grudge against me and started to love on me... relentlessly. She always had to sleep in my room, and if she didn't, she'd scratch on the door. If that didn't wake me, she'd bang on cabinet doors until I woke up to let her in.

Sometimes, she'd open my dresser drawers and crawl in, which meant that, many a day, she accidentally got closed in one. She was constantly by my side.

Photo: Anonymous user from Rio Rancho, NM

Sadly, after I graduated school and returned from military training, I found out that she was suffering from cancer and would be put down soon. As I held her in my room the last time - after she cried for attention - she passed in my lap, but not without a final parting bite. I will always miss my Cat, and I can't wait to meet her on the Rainbow Bridge.

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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