Dog Returned to Shelter Warms Heart of Struggling New College Graduate

Dog Returned to Shelter Warms Heart of Struggling New College Graduate

Photo: Jennifer

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I was going through a really rough time a few years ago. I had just graduated college, but I had a really difficult time finding a job and my living situation was an absolute mess. I was depressed a lot - even before I graduated.

One day, one of my best friends - who was working at an animal clinic and going to school to be a vet - sent me a picture of this really pretty dog, with a text reading, "Meet your new puppy! Hehe!"


I knew she was trying to entice me, as any good rescue helper does, to adopt the puppy. Normally, I'd face "reality" and realize I can't keep a dog - I already have a "diva" for a cat -  but as soon as I saw her, I had to have her. We worked out some details, and my friend sent me information.

Her name was Isabella. She was about nine months old, up to date on vet care, and fixed. She was adopted at one point but the family patriarch had developed a heart condition and could no longer care for her, so she was brought back to the shelter. It made me sad - she is such a beautiful girl, a German shepherd and collie mix.

I finally got her, and it was a rough start because of her little "accidents" around the house. She evidently also had some very bad anxiety. I lost so many shoes...

I later learned she basically had separation anxiety disorder. I guess she was afraid she was going to be left again, but I wouldn't ever leave her. She was mine.

Photo: Jennifer from Houston, TX

Bella is now four years old. She's very protective and dotes on me. I could feel myself becoming happier and more at ease. My husband of two years has a rescue, as well, and they really are like sisters.

I know I rescued Bella, but I always say she really rescued me. I really don't know where I would be without my sweet girl.

Story submitted by Jennifer from Houston, Texas.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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