Lovely Lily

Lovely Lily


This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

When our 14-year-old Lab Pit mix died, our Aussie mix became despondent. We decided to look for another dog immediately. I searched rescues online for a small, non-shedding, young adult female, and I found one in the entire state. She was 15 miles away. She was a scrawny, blind-in-one-eye, half-shaved Shih Tzu that the rescue group had pulled off of death row at a local kill shelter that week. They were calling called her "Tangles."


She had been scheduled to be euthanized the day after they pulled her. Seems she had wandered up to some woman's house a year before and the woman had "let her stay around," which in this part of the world means she put food outside for her and that's it. After a year, she took this matted, filthy, 11-pound 3-year-old to a high kill shelter and dropped her off. She was trapped in her own mats and her nails were curled under so she could not walk. They couldn't tell her breed, sex, or even her color. The rescue group bathed her, clipped her nails, shaved her mats off, vetted her, and put her up for adoption. She looked like a little white Ewok, but she climbed over a cat and into my lap. It was love at first sight.

That night, she wandered through the entire house, jumped up on the love seat, and made herself at home. She followed us upstairs at bedtime, jumped up on the bed, and has slept with us ever since. I called her "Lily" and she came. We soon found out she had severe food allergies and had to go on a diet of grain-free kangaroo. A year later she needed emergency eye surgery to save her remaining eye.

We now have three rescues, but Lily is very, very special. She is a survivor and an opinionated alpha. She takes her job as a lap dog very, very seriously. She is now one of three, but she is the princess! She is truly the light of our lives.

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Durham, North Carolina. Lily's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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