Neighborhood's Power Shut Off After Cat Climbs Utility Pole

Neighborhood's Power Shut Off After Cat Climbs Utility Pole

Ian Sargeant

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

This is a cat rescue tale. It involves Mister, a too-curious black cat, and the Board of Water & Light. The story will take you to new heights, expose great cat peril and another actual loss of power to an entire neighborhood.

Mister, the black cat Ian Sargeant adopted from abandonment at a South Lansing Quality Dairy last spring, didn't come home for dinner Sunday.


Soon enough, he was found on Monday morning up a 45-foot-tall backyard utility pole crying his heart out on top of the transformer box, unreachable and in very real danger of getting fried. Ian called the power company.

"One guy showed up and saw what was going on and said, 'We can't mess around. Your cat is next to a high voltage line. He could die any second. I'm going to drive to a major junction box and cut the power to the neighborhood.'"

When the unidentified BWL worker came back, he tied a cable around his waist, put on spiked, pole-climbing shoes, and didn't stop until he could introduce himself to Mister. The idea was to persuade Mister to hop into the canvas bag the worker had carried with him. A rope attached to the bag handle would enable it to be lowered to the ground.

"Mister did not like it, even though we put food in there for him," said Ian.

Photo: Ian Sargeant

Negotiations ensued. Mister hopped onto the back of the BWL lineman. Attempts were made to place Mister in the bag. Third time was the charm.

When the bag reached the ground, Mister made a beeline for the house. Ian thanked the workers, who declined to identify themselves and refused to accept any gratuity.

"They said, 'Nope, just have a good day," Ian said. "The guys from BWL were just awesome. They came out really promptly. They made sure my cat's safety was in order. They didn't fool around. They were extremely professional and showed they cared."

Mister is doing much better and avoiding power poles.

Story submitted by Ian Sargeant from East Lansing, Michigan.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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