Cat Who Loves to Scream Provides a 'Lot of Audio' and Lots of Laughs
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
It was a beautiful spring day, and I had opened the front door to let in some fresh air. My son and I suddenly heard this high-pitched yowling coming from outside.
We found that one of the stray cats we care for had chased a small gray tortie cat up a neighbor's tree and had her trapped there. The panicked little cat was screaming like a maniac. We shooed away the stray, the cat scrambled out of the tree, and then she took off down the street without a look back.
She was a pretty thing, only about 6- or 7-months-old, and we were sure we had seen the last of her. The next day, I opened the front door and there she was staring up at me. She was very friendly but very hungry. Thinking she probably belonged to somebody, we took her in and for several weeks tried to locate an owner. After a while, we knew she'd be staying with us and our four other cats, but it was not without challenge.
That same screaming she was doing up that tree was the way she handled any "difficulties" she came across... and her biggest difficulty was with our cat Eve, even though the feeling was not at all mutual and Eve tried her best to ignore her. There were no blows, only a lot of audio! We spent months listening to that screeching, which often meant being jolted awake in the middle of the night. My gut tells me she never had a home, and was one of those rare friendly ferals. We named her Mystery since we had no idea where she came from.
Over the years, Mystery mellowed, and eventually the screaming was reserved for only special occasions, but she turned out to be quite a character and gave us great joy. Her favorite game was to try to escape outside whenever someone opened a door, which was only fun if she thought she had tricked us. If you held the door open and offered for her to go out, she'd just turn around and walk away.

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Kings Park, New York.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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