'Tiny, Tiny' Foster Kitten Gets Healthy But Doesn't Seem to Grow

'Tiny, Tiny' Foster Kitten Gets Healthy But Doesn't Seem to Grow

Angie Brewer

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I have been fostering for several years now, so it's not unusual for kittens to come my way.

One morning, I got a call asking if I could take in a mom and three kittens. They had been picked for euthanasia and would not be alive tomorrow if someone did not take them in. I'd just sent my last litter in for adoption at a local Petco, so I had room.


I was shocked when they got here. It was not the fact that all of them were thin and had worms, ear mites and the beginning of eye infections and kitty colds. It was this one tiny, tiny kitten! In all my years of fostering and bottle raising kittens, I have never seen one so small and so perfect. Everything about her was tiny, but I could see a spark in this little girl.

I nursed all of them, including their mom. Lots of good food, a warm home, a few nasty meds they did not like, and tons of love. It did not take long for all to gain their health and grow in size, except Minnie.

Her health was great, but she contued to remain tiny. Her siblings all grew, and in no time, they were ready for their first shots and adoption. Minnie had to stay because she did not weigh enough to give her her shots.

Minnie is now 6 months old and weighs five pounds. I do not see her getting any bigger. She will never leave. This is my baby. She is a spoiled baby that has no problem telling me when it's dinner time. She gives me kisses and pats my face. She is really good at telling me I need a break and it's time to love on her. She knows when I am depressed and will come make me happy.

Photo: Angie Brewer

She has made herself at home, and there is no way I can ever give her up. She is my tiny little kitty and will always be here to help me take care of the next litter to come my way.

Story submitted by Angie Brewer from Angie's Furry Foster Home in Princeton, Texas.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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