Rescue Dog Was Abandoned Twice, Suffered Years of Neglect Before Becoming a Foster Fail

Rescue Dog Was Abandoned Twice, Suffered Years of Neglect Before Becoming a Foster Fail

Leopard’s story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue group to win cash and prizes. Every time you vote we’ll give an extra donation to shelters!

Leopard was abandoned at the gate of PAWS Atlanta in Decatur, Georgia as a puppy in 2015. He was so cute and sweet that he was scooped up just a few weeks later, almost as soon as he hit the adoption floor. As he got older and larger, his mother ended up giving him to her brother to take care of. Unfortunately, with the brother, Leopard lived outside much of the time and his health declined.

abandoned neglected rescue dog foster fail Photo: Suzie Sloan

In 2019, the brother decided to move and left poor Leopard out back for the new owners. Before that could happen, the sister stepped back in and brought him to PAWS Atlanta. He could barely walk, as he had injuries on both back legs that had likely developed over time — two torn cruciate ligaments and bad knees to boot. He was skinny and depressed, and desperately needed help.

The staff feel in love with poor Leopard all over again and two team members took him home to be his foster family. Leopard thrived in their home. He put on weight, and the veterinarian team at PAWS Atlanta prescribed him medications that helped with his pain tremendously. He was on Gabapentin, Carprofen, Amantadine, and received regular Adequan injections. He also began seeing an orthopedic specialist, where he went through major surgeries on both legs. To help pay for the surgeries, donors from PAWS Atlanta stepped up and helped pay for Leopard’s care — all of it!

In his time with PAWS Atlanta, Leopard also represented the organization in all sorts of social media promotions. He had his own jingle for “Leopard’s Holiday Gift Guide,” he would “test” toys and treats people sent in on video, and he had an Amazon wishlist where he asked for items to help his canine and feline shelter buddies!

abandoned neglected rescue dog foster fail Photo: Suzie Sloan

Leopard is just the greatest dog. He’s sweet, gentle, loving, loyal, goofy, funny, and perfect. He won his foster family over, and they ended up adopting him forever after having him just a month. Leopard is almost six years old now and thriving in his new, loving home!

Story submitted by Suzie Sloan.

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