Adoption Angel Drives 120 Miles Every Other Day to Give Puppy with Mange a Medicated Bath

Adoption Angel Drives 120 Miles Every Other Day to Give Puppy with Mange a Medicated Bath

Winnie's story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue group to win cash and prizes. Every time you vote we’ll give an extra donation to shelters!

When Winnie arrived at the shelter, she was nicknamed Harriett. She was eaten up with mange. Her malnourished, 11-pound, body was almost hairless and her skin was crusty with scabs. She would just lay in her kennel - quiet, itchy and sad.

puppy abandoned rescue mange sick
Photo: Gretchen Spinner

Then her angel arrived. Kay was going to meet 2 dogs at the shelter that day. The first was a lively pup. They hit it off and we thought that would be the one. But, Kay wasn’t there for the cute pup or the easy path. She wanted to meet Harriett.

We took a deep breath and prepared her with details. She needed to know that Harriett’s appearance was a little shocking and she was pretty stinky from the medicated shampoo the vet had prescribed. To our surprise, Kay offered to bathe Harriett. She suggested it would be a good way to bond. We dressed Kay in a makeshift poncho and Harriett got a bath.

Kay came back every other day – driving 120 miles round trip – to bathe Harriett. A week after Kay gave Harriett that first bath, Harriett was adopted and on her way home. In addition to a new home, Harriett got a new name. She became Winnie. Kay recently shared Winnie’s 4-week progress report:

“Winnie works hard every day growing her hair. She has a ways to go to fill in over her entire body. It seems like it started from her head and is going to her tail. She has a bath every other day with an herbal shampoo followed with a tea tree rinse. Winnie is up to 17 pounds. She is a sweet, active, show-off who is doing very well in her manners class.”

rescue healed angel adopter dog Photo: Gretchen Spinner

It still brings tears to our eyes to think about the bond that began with the tenderness of that first bath. We’re thankful everyday for Adoption Angels like Kay who are willing to put in the time, love, and effort that pups like Winnie need in order to have the great life they deserve.

Story submitted by Gretchen Spinner.

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