Dog Left At The Shelter For 5 Years Finally Finds A Place To Call Home

Dog Left At The Shelter For 5 Years Finally Finds A Place To Call Home

Imagine spending almost five years of your life living in an animal shelter? Sounds pretty bleak, right?

Sadly, for Baby Girl, that is how she spent her life: waiting for a forever home to finally adopt her. Luckily for Baby Girl, her time finally came and she was adopted!

It was a big day for her, and the sweet pooch could not stop smiling that day that her adoption came, as you can see in the photos shared on Facebook:

The shelter workers at the Capital Humane Society in Lincoln, Nebraska were delighted to see Baby Girl go, because it meant that she was finally getting her happily ever after, and they felt that it was a well deserved happy ending for a "wonderful dog."

Baby Girl first car to the CHS on the 7th of December back in 2017. Throughout the years, poor Baby Girl was constantly being passed up by potential forever homes. The shelter shared plenty of photos of her on social media, but not one seemed interested.

But then that all changed on the 15th of March, 2022. She had finally found her forever home.

But the shelter didn't want to announce the good news straight away, opting instead to let her settle into her new home.

Once it was clear that Baby Girl was truly in her forever home, the CHS happily wrote a post on Facebook which read, “March 15th was a big day for all of us at CHS because it was our beloved Baby Girl’s Gotcha Day!!”

Since her adoption, Baby Girl has been back to the the humane society’s Pieloch Pet Adoption Center as a guest, and to show others that long term shelter residents can adjust to live on the outside.

As for the woman who adopted Baby Girl, she wrote on behalf of the CHS, “Baby Girl has brought so much joy to my life. She loves her daily walks and going outside. She loves her yard and would rather be outside sunning herself than being inside any day! She can’t get enough belly rubs, and she has to be touching me at all times.”

She added, “Baby Girl has really settled into my home and bonded with me and my mom so well, I can’t imagine not having her in my life. She is very much a one person dog but doesn’t care about other people/dogs as long as she has her space.”

Baby Girl’s forever family is so grateful that the CHS didn't give up on Baby Girl and cared for her all those years.

She said, “I can’t thank the staff at Pieloch enough for taking such good care of her and letting me have a chance at giving her a forever home. I could not have asked for a better dog.”

We're so happy that this sweet girl finally found the happiness she deserves. What do you think of Baby Girl's journey? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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