The Animal Rescue Site News

11 Physical Conditions in Cats That Need Swift ...
These tips could save your cats life.
11 Physical Conditions in Cats That Need Swift ...
These tips could save your cats life.

18-Year-Old Dog Was Left At A Shelter By His Ow...
An 18-year-old Pomeranian named Jaripo was dropped off at Lancaster County Animal Shelter.
18-Year-Old Dog Was Left At A Shelter By His Ow...
An 18-year-old Pomeranian named Jaripo was dropped off at Lancaster County Animal Shelter.

You Probably See Foxtail Grass Daily, But Did Y...
Foxtail Grass is a very common grass that can burrow into your dog's skin, and get into their eyes and lungs.
You Probably See Foxtail Grass Daily, But Did Y...
Foxtail Grass is a very common grass that can burrow into your dog's skin, and get into their eyes and lungs.

You Won't Believe How Hippos Birth Their Young ...
Hippopotamuses -- who share a common ancestor with whales and porpoises -- despite a diet that predominantly consists of short grasses, spend much of their lives in rivers and swamps,...
You Won't Believe How Hippos Birth Their Young ...
Hippopotamuses -- who share a common ancestor with whales and porpoises -- despite a diet that predominantly consists of short grasses, spend much of their lives in rivers and swamps,...

8 Things Never To Say To A Cancer Patient
Cancer. It sucks. So does having to tell everyone about it. Most of the people in our lives have the best intentions, and yet when it comes right down to...
8 Things Never To Say To A Cancer Patient
Cancer. It sucks. So does having to tell everyone about it. Most of the people in our lives have the best intentions, and yet when it comes right down to...

7 Ways To Convince Feral Cats to Take Shelter
It's easier than you think!
7 Ways To Convince Feral Cats to Take Shelter
It's easier than you think!