Funded - Help Heal Arthur's Broken Leg
Funded - Help Heal Arthur's Broken Leg
Arthur was found abandoned one morning outside a shelter in Texas. He was lying next to a tree, dehydrated and covered with fleas. Poor Arthur’s femur was broken.
Arthur was rushed to the emergency vet for immediate care, all the while feebly wagging his tail as though he knew the worst of his suffering was finally over. He was immediately given fluids and pain medication to make him more comfortable.
Arthur needs a special surgical procedure to repair his broken leg—without it, his only option would be amputation. Then this sweet boy will need several months of care and physical therapy as he rehabilitates with a medical foster. But once he's finally healed, he's sure to find the perfect loving forever home.
About Arthur:
- Location: Texas
- Breed: Great Pyrenees mix
- Age: 6 months
- Best Trait: Gentle and affectionate
- Medical Problem: Fractured femur bone
- Treatment: X-rays, surgery and ongoing care
You can help sweet Arthur begin his treatment. Your support will not only give Arthur the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover the surgery, ongoing care and food he will need.
Help us meet our goal of $2,500 to care for Arthur and pets like him. Funds raised over the goal amount will go to supporting Greater Good Charities' life-saving programs.
Important Info
Important Info
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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I love this portion of Greater Good because it deals with helping animals recover from their injuries. I willingly and gladly helped Arthur by donating just a very minimal amount of money for him to achieve a very successful result in his life!! Doing this makes me feel so overwhelmingly joyful, knowing that I have done a little something to make a big difference in an animal's life! I even wanted to adopt Arthur, but I believe that another family has already claimed him, and I certainly don't blame them, given his sweetness and cuteness!! Please consider doing the same with perhaps another animal in need; it will make you feel so good inside!!
This time I gave to the Care Fund to help heal several pets that had suffered neglect and abuse. There was no question not to give to this deserving cause!
Let's all Help the Animals. They Need Us to be there for Them!