The war in Ukraine has decimated bee colonies throughout the country, and now more bees are at risk of starving when they emerge from hibernation. Act quickly to protect an already threatened species.
Ukraine is one of the top 5 producers of honey in the entire world. Bees not only provide critical pollination to crops and are essential to our food supply, but are also a major industry in Ukraine. The war now poses a serious threat to the country's long term food security and economy.
Many Ukrainian beekeepers have been forced to flee their homes and abandon their hives, leaving bees even more vulnerable. Beekeeping equipment and crops have been destroyed. When the surviving bees emerge from hibernation this March and April, they will face starvation.
Since the beginning of the war, Greater Good Charities has been aiding the people and pets of Ukraine. Now, we're working with Mann Lake and the Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers to provide resources to surviving bees and beekeepers in Ukraine.
With YOUR help, Greater Good Charities will provide over 30,000 lbs of pollen replacement and 11,000 lbs of sugar to sustain these important pollinators throughout beekeeping season. That's enough protein to feed 255 million bees for three months.
Tens of thousands of bee colonies have already been destroyed over the past year, and we must act NOW before even more are lost. Just $30 feeds 1 million bees for a week. Donate today.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.