Moose Calf Rescued From "Sure Demise" As Mama Watched Nearby

Moose Calf Rescued From "Sure Demise" As Mama Watched Nearby

Photo: Pixabay/Enlightening Images

Alaska's Homer Police Department shared a heartwarming rescue of a moose calf they performed with the help of a local man named Spencer Warren. 

Spencer works for Destination Alaska Charters and was headed out to a float plane to prepare for the day when he heard an odd sound that led to a wild encounter.

He followed the sound down to the water and found a moose calf trapped between the dock and the floater plane. Mama was just a mere 4 feet away watching with another calf at her side. 


Spencer called Homer Police for help and Officers Morgan Tracy and Charles Lee responded. The team proceeded with caution and used the police vehicle as a barrier for the protective mama. 

The calf was carefully lifted out of the water and collapsed for a moment on the dock before regaining his footing and heading back to his family. 

It was a successful rescue and thankfully no one was hurt. The department wrote, "Sometimes you really get to do something important in life. Our hats are off to Officers Morgan Tracy and Charles Lee who helped rescue a moose calf from sure demise early this morning. Thank you to Spencer Warren for capturing this cool moment and helping out."

Check out the extended rescue video Spencer shared on his Facebook page below and don't forget to share! 


Mama moose are very protective of their young, so it is important to give them as much space as possible. While moose are not typically aggressive, you do not want to encounter a threatened moose. 

St. Elias National Park in Alaska shared, "Visitors to Alaska are often concerned about encountering bears; yet more people each year are injured by moose than by bears."

Photo: Pixabay/Mandy van den Borg 

Their advice is to run if you feel that the moose is about to charge. "Unlike with bears, it is okay to run from a moose. They usually won't chase you and if they do, it's unlikely that they'll chase you very far. If a moose knocks you down, curl up in a ball and protect your head with your arms and keep still." 

Be alert and keep your distance is a good rule for all wildlife. 

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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