Cat Castles Help Shy and Stressed Cats Adjust to Shelter Life

Cat Castles Help Shy and Stressed Cats Adjust to Shelter Life

Photo: Joplin Humane Society

Shelter life is stressful, especially now that most shelters are overcrowded and animals are having to share space. 

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Cats are often kept together in a larger room without many spaces to rest, hide, or find comfort.

That is where The Animal Rescue Site's Cat Castles come in. Thanks to your generous donations, cardboard castles are distributed to shelters to provide comfort and security to stray and stressed cats. 

Photo: The Animal Rescue Site

The loud noises, unfamiliar faces, and new surroundings takes a toll on the felines and these castles give them a safe space to relax and hide.

Made in the U.S.A., the Cat Castle's bottom section is an enclosed space that has multiple ventilation holes and a 'drawbridge,' giving the cat ready access to a private, safe hiding place. The top section is a perfect surveillance point for cats that want to see what's going on in the shelter. The Cat Castle provides shelter cats with the opportunity to become familiar with new surroundings at their own pace, a process that is important for a cat's mental health.

Photo: The Animal Rescue Site

Shelter cats love the castles so much that they go home with them when they are adopted. The castles transform into a secure cat carrier and then is reassembled into the castle the cat is familiar with to help adjust to their new home setting. 

Read how the castles made a difference in the lives of a mama cat and her kittens and a shy shelter cat. 

Amelia and her kittens

"Living quarters are required by law to be easily sterilized in order to prevent cross-contamination, and this often means that the areas where animals are housed can be quite clinical and spartan. Unfortunately, animals were not designed to thrive in these conditions, and being exposed in such a manner can be very taxing on their mental health," shared Joplin Humane Society, one of the recipients of Cat Castles. 

Photo: Joplin Humane Society

The donated castles provide elevated perches and hiding spots which allow the cats to relax. Amelia and her litter of kittens were brought in as strays by a concerned citizen and found comfort in a castle. 

The staff state, "When animals are stressed out, it negatively impacts their immune systems; and this is especially true for kittens. So keeping Amelia and her kittens as stress-free as possible was paramount to maintaining their health."  

As you can see in the photo, Amelia and her kittens love the castle. 


Buster and Butch, two shy feline brothers, were surrendered to Happy Cats Haven when their owner could no longer care for them. 

"Butch was incredibly hand shy and fearful when he first came to us. He would flinch if a hand came anywhere close to him and hide in the back corner of their condo. Once we were able to put them in a larger room, we used the cat castle to provide a safe place further out in the room where Butch and Buster could explore but still feel safe in an enclosed space," recalls their caretakers. 

Photo: Happy Cats Haven

The castles provided a safe space as their confidence in people slowly increased. Buster and Butch slowly started to trust new people, with the help of treats, and the rescue is happy to share that both have found loving homes. 

Animal shelters and rescues do all they can to make the homeless animals as comfortable as possible but need help.

Give more shelter cats the royal treatment by sending them castles! Donate here


Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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