Veterinarians Head To Ukraine To Help Spay/Neuter Over 750 Pets
Andrea Powell
Photo: Oro Whitley/GGC
Greater Good Charities' Good Fix team returned to Ukraine to help treat and sterilize hundreds of pets.
Thanks to your generous donations, the team was able to hold a free five-day clinic to spay/neuter and provide wellness checks to over 750 pets.

While a majority of the pets were dogs and cats, the vets did exam a few baby goats.

People patiently waited in line with their beloved pets for their turn and were beyond grateful for the help.

The clinic was a huge success thanks to the expert Good Fix team and countless volunteers from Домівка Врятованих Тварин (Home of Rescued Animals).

The Animal Rescue Site supports Good Fix and their goal to reduce pet overpopulation through free spay/neuter clinics. To date, Good Fix has safely sterilized more than 56,000 dogs and cats, including 2,150 in Ukraine! The specially trained team heads to underfunded areas to help sterilize pets and stray animals to save lives and reduce the number of pets entering shelters.

These vital clinics are possible due in part to your generous donations, so thank you! Continue to help fund these clinics and join us in saving lives.

It costs just $20 to sterilize a cat or dog, preventing hundreds of unwanted kittens or puppies. Donate now!
Check out more photos of pets helped at the clinic below.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.