Senior Dog Found Chained To Kennel Gate With Note Saying, "I Have Not Learnt To Be Good"

Senior Dog Found Chained To Kennel Gate With Note Saying, "I Have Not Learnt To Be Good"

Facebook/Swale Borough Council Stray Dog Service

Employees at Jasmil Kennels arrived one morning and were shocked when they found a senior black lab chained to the entry gate. As they approached the friendly dog they noticed a handwritten note.

The note read, "My owner has abandoned me after 10 years because I have not learnt to be good, so I have been returned here where he found me."

The sweet dog was abandoned by the person he loved the most and left to wonder what he did wrong.

Swale Borough Council Stray Dog Service posted photos of the gray-muzzled dog and the note in hopes of locating the owner to ask him some questions. They posted, "We would very much like to speak to the owner to establish why the dog was abandoned. No chip. If you recognise him and can be of any assistance, please contact the council in confidence or message this page. He will now be taken into our care."

A few days later, the rescue posted that they were able to contact the owner and his family. "Having fully investigated the elderly dog left abandoned on Monday, we were able to get in contact with his owner, and all is not what it first seemed. We are now taking appropriate action based on the situation and circumstances."

The rescue never disclosed what the man considered as bad behavior or the real reason he abandoned his dog, but members of his family have stepped up to help.

Apparently, the dog is well-loved by other family members who have offered to take him in.

"We have also been in contact with members of the owners extended family, who know and love the dog. They had no knowledge of the owners plans and have asked to take the dog on so that it can live out the latter part of its life in a safe secure home, with people it knows. If home checks and the dogs reaction to them are positive, this is the kindest way forward for the dogs welfare. We would like to thank everyone for their offers of help and a home for this old boy."

Followers of the rescue couldn't understand how someone could share their home and life with a dog for 10 years and then abandon him.

"Chucked aside but still a beautiful smile for a stranger. Poor sweet darling," wrote one person.

Others said while they don't condone abandoning a dog, they were thankful that the dog was brought to a place that would care for him and not dumped on the side of the road.

"He looks happy and healthy and after 10 years with the dog it couldn’t of been easy to give up regardless of his behaviour maybe another more personal reason for it! He abandoned him yes but must be a story behind it pretty sad but he in best place where they can care for him now," commented another.

If you or someone you know are unable to care for a pet, please contact your local shelter and arrange for a time to surrender the animal. They all deserve to find loving forever homes.

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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